If you're a lover of incremental games that consist of fairly little gameplay but will have you coming back for more over and over, then this is definitely for you. It requires a bit more brain usage than stuff like cookie clicker, it's a bit more complicated, and it looks a bit better. That aside, it's got the same basics. At the start you will have to click to progress. After some time you get upgrades that you can use to help you do more damage with you clicks, as well as heroes that will increase you DPS and your Click damage.
Eventually you reset for an extra bonus damage, and the opportunity to get ancients. SOme heroes get gilded, giving them a lot more damage. You need to find out if it's a bad hero to have gilded or not, because a gild respec costs you. THe same goes for ancients, they're not cheap!
THe further you get into it, the more damage you need, and the more you need to think about the best next step. It's an incremental idle game, but it requires quite a bit of thinking from the players!