After one of the heavier nights of drinking, I eventually got home around 4 in the afternoon. Of course the number one priority was to check facebook, where I saw alot of my friends updating their statuses with whatever universities they got into. So I checked my mail. I found a mail from Samordna Opptak, which is the website people apply for Uni on. I opened it. It didn't say anything about whether or not I got my spot, I had to log on to a website. And I needed my cell phone to get the code I needed, but that wasn't charged.
So I found the charger, charged it for two minutes, typed in my little code, and yes, god damn yes I got into what I wanted, social anthropology.
I was so damn nervous the last couple of months, I didn't think I had the grades needed to get in, but now I have a flat, a cheap nice flat ten minutes from the center of the town, I have a place to study, I'm eligible for a student loan. And if you guys aren't familiar with how that works in Norway: If we pass our final exams, large parts of the loan are turned into... well, some sort of scholarship. It's just deleted. Which is awesome.
I also found that someone had queued up some rapper named Cage on my Spotify last night, so I've been listening to that for a few hours now. Dude is awesome, why the fuck are people still listening to Eminem?
Congrats to you bro!
Thanks mate! =D