As you might know, seeing as you are here, I write a lot of reviews. I tend to not post what I vote on the piece, be it art, flash or audio, but I have a system where votes and review scores are related, so I figured I'd post it here in case you were wondering what I voted on your flash, audio or artwork.
Review Score |-| Vote
0 - 1 |-| 0
2 - 3 |-| 1
4 - 5 |-| 2
6 - 7 |-| 3
8 - 9 |-| 4
10 |-| 5
Might be a bit strict with that last one, but hey, I rarely hand out perfect scores.
up-a-notch you give my stuff a 4 or a 3?...COOL BRO! (See what i did there?)
No rule without exceptions, right? =3