lol good post but you gotta check out this site that gives you FREE Xbox Live and PSN points before Microsoft or Sony shut it down! its called <a href=""></a> and ive been using it for awhile its great, especially with Black Ops on the way :P
Omg, I see a Norwegian flag there! Stavanger, even? You're living right next to me!
I like Ubuntu, too. Have not used it much, but it is free and easy to install. Windows 7 is a dream.
Now get back to work, reviews to do! Just kidding! Thanks again for the constructive review and kind words, and keep up the good work. See you around, and do sleep well bro, as we all need good sleep (I personally say we never can get enough of it!) X3
Ser frem til å kunne bruke Windows 7 og Ubuntu når jeg selv vil.
Ble nå ferdig med rundt 53 anmeldelser sist uke. Må få gjort rundt 40 i løpet av denne, men det går nå vanligvis fint.
Men nuh, bytur! Se om du kan få lasta opp no mer musikk, da, du har talent (=